Do you really want people to be honest with you?
I always tell my friends and family to be honest with me. For the most part, that's what I want and that's what they want from me. It's been a pretty good system and I'm the kind of person who tries not to take things too personal, because you can simply agree to disagree on some topics. But, and yes there is a but, I don't get where all this negativity comes from when it comes to my boyfriend. On the one hand, they really like him, SO much more than my last one. So this is where my confusion sets in. It seems that every time he comes up in a conversation, it turns out to be something negative and usually it is about little things. Why? With the last boyfriend, I could understand the negative comments because they made it very clear from the beginning that they didn't like him and the comments never seemed to bother me (not to mention he wasn't very
likeable around them). With this guy though, it's different- it just feels like they are trying to find things wrong with him or something and I don't understand why. The thing is, I don't want them to stop being honest with me and I appreciate some comments because, after all, I believe love can make you blind.
The main problem I have with these kinds of comments is that it starts to make me jealous- and I am not like that. I believe that jealously is a trust issue. Their comments make me think things that otherwise would not have ever enter my mind OR if I had some of these thoughts, I certainly wouldn't dwell on them AND if they bothered me enough I would bring it up to the boyfriend. It's not like I'm
naive or anything, I know shit happens but when I hear these comments over and over again, it makes me question him- it makes me not want to trust him.Oh and is it SO wrong for me to want to hang out with my boyfriend when I come into town? I am, after all, in a long distance relationship. I don't see him everyday, sometimes weeks go by without seeing him. Yes, I want to hang with my friends as well. So why can't all of us hang out together without there being conflict?? Some friends don't mind this, while others do. It's not like I never had to hang out with their boyfriends, and then again, my other friends can't compare their relationships with mine on some levels (even though they try to) because they were NEVER in a long distance relationship before, so they don't know how much work it takes. I honestly have a hard time trying to juggle
every one's request, especially given the fact that I can only come into town on the weekends which gives me limited time. Then after living on very little sleep during those weekends, I drive back home for 4 hours and get up Monday morning to start the week. I'm so
exhausted on those Monday's that I seriously consider not going back home because I try my hardest to
accommodate everyone and end up not having any fun, only frustration. I know this makes me sound like some selfish asshole but who else am I going to complain to about this? It has become one of those "we agree to disagree" issues with some friends. Plus, I'm going home the next weekend and I have the feeling that I'm going to have to deal with this issue some more.
Yes, you're our second choice
Tomorrow is the big event- Spring into Southeast Asia. All the planning and stressing will be over by 10pm! As I believe I have mentioned before, one of our biggest problems has been with the catering. The last couple of years we have been forced to use the University's catering service because new rules and regulations. The thing is, they are not the best at cooking Southeast Asian/foreign cuisine. After several other student groups/organizations have complained about this fact the mother group (ISU- they give all of us little groups money for these events) finally decided to do something about and get some of us exemptions from having to use the University catering. To make a long story short- we got an exemption, unfortunately it was only for ONE of the two caterers we wanted to use, which means we would have to continue going with the University catering.
Fast forward to this week, we find out that the University catering found out about our exemption and went ahead and cancelled our reservation with them- without informing us. Ugh.
We were suppose to have a taste test with them last Friday but I was out of town because my Dad was in the hospital and I forgot to schedule a time. So I go down the hole that is University catering's office and talk to sweet Maryjane.
Rewind to about 2 months ago- when we first met Maryjane, she was on the verge of tears when we set up our reservations because of the comment cards from the previous year concerning the quality of their SEA food. Not this time. Maryjane was not to happy to speak with me. I apologized for not setting up the taste test- and all I wanted was for her to answer was one question- can we have 2 buffet lines.
Could she answer this? No, not without wanting me to admit that she/University catering is our second choice and having to explain the entire situation to me for 15 minutes. How did I respond to this? "Yes, you're our second choice. The situation is what it is- now, is it okay that we have two buffet lines?" She said yes and I left. And I swear, when I walked out her office she said "Suck my dick". Why do some people just take things that should not be personal, personal? Is it so awful to ask to have a caterer that makes Asia food or is actually from Asia to cater rather than have one that does not make this type of food on a regular basis? I don't think so.
A funny thing happened on the way to the bathroom
The Monday of last week ended on at very interesting note. I began the night with a couple of friends and some margaritas- then we went to another bar where the overwhelming urge for a White Russian took control. I had to have one, which led to two and then, well, you get the picture. So later that night I get home with the worst case of hiccups I've had in a really long time, I mean they really were starting to hurt. After trying all of my own cures to no avail, I made myself throw up (it worked). Then I went to bed. Only I didn't stay in bed.
Sometime around 5am I apparently made my way to the bathroom, only I didn't make it. No, instead I went into the room next to the bathroom... one of my
housemates bedrooms. Now I'm not sure if I turned on the light, but I do know that I immediately realized that I was not in the bathroom. So what do I do? I duck down as quickly as possible, hoping she will not see me and think she was just dreaming. Only she did see me.
Housemate: K, what are you doing?
me: silence, still
squatting at the end of her bed.
Housemate: K, I know you're there. What are you doing?
me: continued silence
Housemate: Seriously, what are you doing.
me: giggle- get up and leave.
I completely forgot about this event until I came home the next evening and they asked me about it.
Do the Chicago Cubs grow up to become the Bears?
The MeetingAfter waiting outside the director's office for what felt like 15 minutes (it was likely only 3) he finally called me in.
"So lets talk about your study habits"
Huh? What? Sigh of relief. "What do you want to know?" I answer happily.
"You have been making good grades in all of your other classes, so what are you doing differently when it comes to studying a language?"
"The main difference is that I can sit and read/study for my other classes for hours and then I know it, I don't have to go back until it's exam time. The language, on the other hand, I study something over and over again and then its like nothing sticks. Maybe I'll remember just one or two new words after hours of study."
"Hmmmm. Well, when I was in the Peace Corp... (yada, yada, yada) turns out I have a slight hearing problem. I think you should get tested, since the University offers such services for free, for a learning disability. They may just be able to unlock your problem with being able to learn a language."
Huh? What? "Okay." Whatever they want me to do, it will be done. Perhaps I am LD, especially when it comes to grammer.