Thursday, April 27, 2006


That's right, I got the call. I will take my friend R's place in the house this June. Yay! No more over priced apartment complex living. My current roomie and I are thinking about having a party my last week at our apartment- should be fun!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Why sometimes guys are more fun to hang with than (dare I say) chicks

  1. You don't have to go to some trendy bar or dance club just to have a drink
  2. Say you're not in a good mood or maybe you're just tired- they will not spend the next 5 hours making their mission to continuously ask, "Are you alright?" or "What's the matter?"
  3. The conversation doesn't always end in talking about your emotions
  4. The conversation does not have to be about other people (yes, I know, that's not always true)
  5. Unless it's Kenny G. they do not care what music is playing in your car
  6. They can answer your sports questions
  7. They do not usually bring up a fight you had 6 years ago and tell you that you hurt their feelings
  8. The physical stuff is quite nice
  9. You can ask a guy questions without them trying to read into it too much
  10. You don't have to worry about them telling their other friends about the things you talk about

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Running just as fast as I can

After the big night on Friday, a friend of mine started talking to me about running for the ISU (international student union) executive board- making it sound like no one was running and even though I wouldn't be able to attend the actual election, I'd probably get some kind of position. So on Monday afternoon I sent her my application, a picture of myself and a short speech (which took about 20 minutes to complete). She also told my that she had already spoken to El about speaking on my behalf at the meeting/election. So I call El to ask how it went later that night- I lost. Actually, it was the absolutely best way to run for any office. I did 20 minutes of preparation and only conceived of doing it for a matter of 2 days. Not to mention, I didn't even have to face the competition or their questions.

Yo, yo, yo- M.C. Imagine in da House!!

5 things I learned as an M.C. on Friday night:
  1. Lined silk dresses make you sweat, especially when you're in a spotlight
  2. Malaysia has horse racing
  3. I suck at improvisation
  4. One should really read through a script before reading it in front of 250 people
  5. I'm very good at managing a line of people waiting for food
All in all it went rather well- no real big mess up, nor did I trip in fall in front of people.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Wish me Luck

I have been elected to be a M.C. to my program's Spring Into Southeast Asia Night!!! Yes, every year the event sells out- that means I'll be talking in front of mere 250 people. Yikes! At least I don't have make up any corny jokes on the spot- everything is scripted.

Earth day

I recycle. When I lived with my parents I built a compost bin. I like to garden. But what does it mean when a salon has an Earth Day special? Dreads are 50% off?

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Quiz time

What Classic Movie Are You?
personality tests by

Moving on

It seems to be about 95% certain that I will take the place of my friend R in the house she now lives, next school year. Yay!! And get this- the rent is only $250 + utilities, which means I will save close to $350 a month, compared to what I pay now! I'll be rich!! I already know one of the housemates- D and met the other one last night, who (he) also happens to have a nine year old son that lives there as well. So there is the potential for some interesting stories to develop. While I'll miss my current roomie, I'm very excited to get out of the apartment complex that I live in now.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Huh? What? Where am I?

Normally, I am far from being that person who can fall asleep easily. Typically it takes 30 minutes or so for it to happen when I'm in a bed and it almost never happens when I'm anywhere other than that location. So imagine my surprise today when I fell asleep while reading in the library. I think someone dropped a book which caused me to jump awake and I freaked for all of a few seconds because I wasn't sure if I was awake or still dreaming. Being doped up on Sudafed doesn't help the whole outer body experience either.

Saturday, April 01, 2006


I've been in Athens since September and up until last night have yet to go to one of the kegger parties that Ohio University is known for (on my own- I've certainly been to some in the past, but ever as an actual student here). But the night did not start off that way. I went to R's for a ladies get together- wine drinking, good food and girl talk. Then one the chicks there asked if I wanted to go to the party she was headed just down the street- I went, why not? We ended up at a house that used up every space for someone to live in. The people were awesome- mostly of the hippie persuasion. Good times were definitely had!