Saturday, April 01, 2006


I've been in Athens since September and up until last night have yet to go to one of the kegger parties that Ohio University is known for (on my own- I've certainly been to some in the past, but ever as an actual student here). But the night did not start off that way. I went to R's for a ladies get together- wine drinking, good food and girl talk. Then one the chicks there asked if I wanted to go to the party she was headed just down the street- I went, why not? We ended up at a house that used up every space for someone to live in. The people were awesome- mostly of the hippie persuasion. Good times were definitely had!


At 2:52 PM, Blogger LeMas. said...

I love hippie parties. Did anybody get naked?

At 12:53 PM, Blogger imagine said...

No, but this one chick I was talking to was going to a baby shower the next day and was totally afraid that they would get naked.


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