Wednesday, March 25, 2015

NEVER do that Jillian Michael's "cleanse"

It only took one day for me to figure this out. By 8pm yesterday, I moved into my bathroom and basically camped out there until about 10am this morning. That's right! I had to come in late for work because I was afraid of being stuck on the expressway in traffic and pooping on myself. While this phase has calmed, I now feel nauseated and have only been able to eat anything but Rolaid's and Emergen-C. And my burps smell like eggs! Ugh

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Cleanse- Jillian Michael's 14 day Jumpstart

I have decided to try a cleanse. After a bad day of eating on Sunday, I felt so sick. Too much fried foods, which I generally avoid. So I thought I would try to get my body back to feeling "normal" and having been sucked into a pinterest page or one hundred about them, I thought, why not? I can get on this bandwagon too. I just took a little trip to Walgreen's and found this product on sale, so I thought I would try it. I have read some reviews and it sounds like I will be pooping a lot in the next week!!

Monday, March 23, 2015 THIS!!!! Go to this link. This is how I feel, even though I am trying to start a weight loss journey. I joined a 12- week challenge and spent more money than I should have on it, only to fail. I know I failed. I like to drink beer and eat terrible food. But, since January I have lost 9 pounds an have at least been able to keep that off. The challenge has a facebook page and I have become friends with many of the members on there too. They (and even I am guilty of it a little) post A LOT of these things. At first, I felt they were a little inspirational, but now I feel as if I am just failing because I'm just not as into it as they are. I stopped going. I wasted my money and that makes me feel more guilty and even more like a failure. I really haven't done much in my life lately to make me feel like I've accomplished something. I stopped working toward a goal once I got out of college and finally got a job. This seems as good as a goal as any. Not to just lose weight, but to be healthy. And I promise not to be annoying like those people above.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Well, Isn't She Just So Cute

I turned 34 at the beginning of March. Yes, I know I look young and it doesn't help the situation that I often act young. Always flashing a smile, making innocent jokes at work, and even exhibiting a child-like enthusiasm for many different events. I am also the mascot for the non-profit were I work. I have a growing collection of baseball bobble heads all over my office. To top it all off I have chubby cheeks. I still have people that ask to pinch them. So in a culture so obsessed with looking youthful, one might ask, "what is the big deal? Poor you". Right!? Well, at an area business association meeting I attended recently, in the middle of a conversation about helping one of my clients get employed, the employer turns to my co-worker (who is older than I) and says, "Well isn't she just the cutest thing!" Like she is my mother and it was bring your daughter to work day. I flashed my smile and because we wanted her to hire our client, I said nothing more. But really!!??! Thanks lady for making me feel like all my training, education, and experience means dick! I know, I just know, that in the past this was one of the reason's I had such a hard time finding work out of grad school. When you look like you're twelve, no one is going to believe that you are capable of leading people or gaining their respect. I guess I never expected to still have to deal with this at 34.