Torn- between which fun place to be
The weeks are dwindling away and soon I will be finished with my classes at Ohio University (in theory, anyway). I had SO much fun over the weekend here in Athens, with all my housemates that I'm torn between going home and staying here to play with them this weekend. Such hard decisions one must make! I was suppose to stay in Athens this weekend because of the International Street Fair, but since my student organization has become inactive (because someone missed a meeting) we no longer have to do anything for it now. Which is fine with me.
Anyway, over the weekend I attended a David Bowie/Glam party, a Stepford wives themed cocktail party, a house party, Palmerfest (where ALL the houses on Palmer St. buy dozens of kegs and everyone hangs out on the street getting drunk), a cookout and a birthday celebration. No wonder I'm so tired today.
Would it be mean?
Would I be a complete bitch if I didn't take the person I said I would to Cincinnati so that I can leave town earlier? (I drive past Cincy on my way to Louisville.) My class is getting out early, so I could leave about 2 hours earlier than I would without him. I'm not really one to go against my word, but this guy did
completely ignore all my calls last week when I needed help for the SEA night (he's from Malaysia).
Lookin' back
The other day, while working, I completed all I needed to do and suddenly had a couple hours of free time. Next thing I know, I'm reading some of my older on-line journal entries from 2004 on. I have to say, that while been aware that I've changed since I've moved to Ohio, I really didn't know just how much until I read my own words. I've really grown up, I think I may be able to officially claim myself as an adult. I was so surprised to find just how scared I was about, well, everything. Whether it was speaking in front of people to standing up for myself or even just doing things alone- I've become independent. I think "I'm going to make it after all!"
I've been accepted into SEASSI
SEASSI- Southeast Asia Studies Summer Institute.
I will be in Madison, Wisconsin for about 2 months this summer learning to speak, write and understand the Indonesian language at the University of Wisconsin. Part of me is a little excited, as I love to travel and stay somewhere for an extended period of time. I also like meeting new people. On the other hand, a small part of me was hoping I wouldn't get accepted and then I could go ahead and move back to Louisville, get a job and start my life without school. Although, the whole "without school" thing wouldn't really be true because I would have to find some other way achieve the language level that I need to be in order to graduate.
At least I hear it's not too humid up there in the summer.