Tuesday, May 01, 2007

I've been accepted into SEASSI

SEASSI- Southeast Asia Studies Summer Institute.
I will be in Madison, Wisconsin for about 2 months this summer learning to speak, write and understand the Indonesian language at the University of Wisconsin. Part of me is a little excited, as I love to travel and stay somewhere for an extended period of time. I also like meeting new people. On the other hand, a small part of me was hoping I wouldn't get accepted and then I could go ahead and move back to Louisville, get a job and start my life without school. Although, the whole "without school" thing wouldn't really be true because I would have to find some other way achieve the language level that I need to be in order to graduate.

At least I hear it's not too humid up there in the summer.


At 11:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not too humid, but it smells like cow. Give me a shout if you end up in Chicago at all.


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