More busy than an one legged man in an ass kicking contest
Man, where has the time gone?So, about all that back hurting stuff, well I ended up pulling a muscle in my upper back about 4 days after posting that message and left basically unable to move or sleep for about 4 days. But all seems to be ending on a positive note for the most part. It looks like my student organization will get all the money we need for our event AND a little bit more. Yay!!
Then there is my Indonesian language class. I found out last week (Monday) after a meeting with my advisor (the prof. I worked for last year and is now the director of my program) that I should/could technically get kicked out of my program for having received two C's in my language classes last year. Thinking quick I told him that since only 10 hours of our language counts toward the degree, he could look past it. He liked that idea. BUT, I got a C last quarter because I was under the impression that as long as my GPA does not fall below a 3.0 then I would graduate without any problems. My advisor/director of the program last year NEVER said anything to me about this last year- which is also another good defense. Anyway he said I HAVE to at least get a B- this quarter or SOMETHING could happen. Here's for hoping. All I can say is that since then I have never studied so much in my entire life on one subject.
Oh, and tomorrow is my birthday. I'll be 26. That just sounds so much older than I feel. I feel as if I should be more of an adult than I am or something like that.
I just turned 24, and am seriously contemplating a deliberate quarter life crisis. Want in?
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