Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Like the sands of the hour glass...
Ahhhh, just when I thought my spring break would be more than just one week this year, it's not. From what I've heard from all my classmates that took our Indonesian final early, it's super duper hard. So I decided NOT to take it early and stay until Friday so that I can study more. Oh well.Last weekend, I came home for a friend's wedding and to celebrate my b-day with my peeps in Louisville. It was a blast (as was the weekend before my some of girlfriends came to celebrate with me in Athens). Last weekend I lost my wallet, this weekend I fell- hard. I have a bruise almost the entire length of my fore-arm. And yes, I had been drinking prior to the accident---BUT I did not have my own shoes on as I forgot mine in Athens and had to borrow a friend's for the wedding (I didn't think pink Chucks would be appropriate). Anyway that's the excuse I'm sticking with! The most interesting part of not being able to come home early is that I really disappointed that I can't spend time with the boyfriend. I say this because I don't typically miss people (other than my mom and that's ONLY when I get sick) and I miss him. I've really fallen for him, and only hope he doesn't turn out to be a turd like the last one.
On a more serious note, I'm also really concerned about a friend of mine at school. He's actually one of the few people that known here in Athens for the entire time I've been here. He's a fifth year senior, incredibly intelligent, has like 3 majors (maybe more) and is just a fun person to be around. But in the last maybe 3 or 4 months he has lost about 150 pounds and from what I can tell it's NOT because he's on a diet or exercising, if you know what I mean (sniff, sniff). I asked one of his friends the other day when we were hanging out if they are concerned about it and this person said they were. Though I have the feeling they aren't THAT concerned since they join in on the fun and he seems to pay for a lot of it. Now, I'm not the kind of person who judges or cares if someone wants to do drugs-- but if a friend of mine begins to have a problem with it and it begins to affect their work or school life, I feel compelled. Should I say something to him? Sure I run the risk of him not wanting to be friends anymore, but I'm willing for that to happen- though it would be sad. I mean if he was one of my friends that I have known for a long time, I would have less of problem with it. I guess what I want to know is if it is my place to say something.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Quiz time! Or rather prostratination time!
***Your Love Life Secrets Are***Looking back on your life, you will have a few true loves.
You've been deeply wounded in the past, and you're still recovering from that hurt.
You prefer a quirky, unique person to be your lover. You're easy going about who you're with, as long as they love you back.
In fights, you love to debate and defend yourself. You logic prevails - or at least you'd like to think so.
Getting over a break-up doesn't take long. Easy come, easy go.
Your Love Life Secrets, Revealed
You Are 12% Capitalist, 88% Socialist |
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Are'>">Are You a Socialist or Capitalist?
Your Envy Quotient: 22% |
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How'>">How Much Envy Do You Have?
Monday, March 05, 2007
More busy than an one legged man in an ass kicking contest
Man, where has the time gone?So, about all that back hurting stuff, well I ended up pulling a muscle in my upper back about 4 days after posting that message and left basically unable to move or sleep for about 4 days. But all seems to be ending on a positive note for the most part. It looks like my student organization will get all the money we need for our event AND a little bit more. Yay!!
Then there is my Indonesian language class. I found out last week (Monday) after a meeting with my advisor (the prof. I worked for last year and is now the director of my program) that I should/could technically get kicked out of my program for having received two C's in my language classes last year. Thinking quick I told him that since only 10 hours of our language counts toward the degree, he could look past it. He liked that idea. BUT, I got a C last quarter because I was under the impression that as long as my GPA does not fall below a 3.0 then I would graduate without any problems. My advisor/director of the program last year NEVER said anything to me about this last year- which is also another good defense. Anyway he said I HAVE to at least get a B- this quarter or SOMETHING could happen. Here's for hoping. All I can say is that since then I have never studied so much in my entire life on one subject.
Oh, and tomorrow is my birthday. I'll be 26. That just sounds so much older than I feel. I feel as if I should be more of an adult than I am or something like that.