Napster SUCKS!
I tried it. My uncle gave me a free month trial and 10 free songs. How many free songs did I actually get? 2. I tried to burn my free songs a second time, they would not let me. I did everything that they instructed me to do to recover these songs. Nothing worked. Even the songs that I purchased could not be burned. Again I tried to contact them- again to no avail. Then the winter break came along and I sort of forgot. Though I am still being charged a monthly bill, I figured I would just cut my loss and cancel my subscription. Easy right? No. You have to call a 1-800 number. I've done this twice already- both times they were too busy to even pick up the phone. Now, I've finally made it through- and I've been on hold for a total of 18 minutes so far. Did I mention that this is on my cell phone? I HATE NAPSTER!!! Their service is ridiculously bad!
***I have now been on hold for 30 minutes!!!!
***After being on hold for 34 minutes- it only took 2 minutes to cancel the evil Napster! I was going to complain, but it would just take up more of my minutes, so why bother!
I feel pretty, oh so pretty

My right eye has swollen shut. Which then caused that half of my face to swell along with it. So this morning I got to take my first trip to a student health clinic. Let me tell you, it was fun. After filling out all the necessary forms and meeting with several nurses, I finally got to see the doctor, whose office was filled with multiple volumes on sexually transmitted diseases. (I imagine he see quite a bit of that here.) It was also a good time having to go to the library to pick a video for the professor I work with- just the odd glances I get from others. The best look actually came from my professor, he had that "Oh dear God, what happened to your face" look when I first approached him. Needless to say, I'm trying to stay indoors today with my Quasimodo eye.
***I just wanted to add, that the doctor said I had to throw out all the make-up that I have had on my face for the last 5 days. This means I have to rid myself of most of my mac make-up, because I wore some when I went out dancing Friday night. Such terrible news!!
Its Official
I am now officially a student here at Ohio University for I have tripped up the stairs in the main library. Best part was that I was one flight below the main entrance area- so people saw me. I'm actually surprised that it has taken this long before I have fallen/tripped up or down stairs here.
There she blows!
You those pretty pictures of the river I cross everyday? Well I honestly thought I was going to be blown in to it while walking home today. I have never felt wind like that, ever. The water in the river was actually white capping- and its like 4 feet deep.
What I see everyday

So this is the river I walk past everyday. In the first picture you can see a few apartment buildings on the hill in the distance- as in that's the hill that gives me my buns of steel. The third picture is the view from my apartment.
Poor as dirt
Have you ever tried to save some money by trying to go as long as possible before buying certain items? I think I choose the wrong thing to wait to buy- toilet paper. The last few days I've been able to get by because I would just go at school and then grab a little extra paper for home use. But today is Saturday. I don't have to go to class and my little stolen supply has run out. I guess I will just have to break down and get some.
On a totally different subject, I witnessed a car accident yesterday. Is it bad that once I saw that all the people involved were alright that I was relieved because I really didn't want them to use my cell phone? Hello, daytime charges. Though, I did learn one great thing about living in a small town- the cops show up about 5 minutes after they are called. I have never seen police show up the fast before.
6 Crazy Days!
(Day 1) Last Wednesday evening I went back to Louisville to start my MLK weekend early. Once I got to my parents house (it was nice to see my Dad, its been since Christmas), I realized that they were watching the gift from my uncle- old family films he put on DVD. It was pretty fun to see what my brother and I were like from ages 2 to 4. Though I could not stay for long, you know, I had to visit the Rockstar. Needless to say, I was out late.
(Day 2, Jan. 12) It's my girl Jessica's birthday! We celebrate in style at the Caesars Casino boat in Indiana. After having dinner at the buffet we are off to gamble. Only I don't have a whole lot of money to play with so I offer to wait for another friend (there is very little signal for cell phones on the boat). I quickly find her and we go to the hotel room to drink margaritas- that's when we get the great idea to down the entire jug in about an hour. Let's just say that the night ended with my friend hugging the porcelain god. And no one won any money.
(Day 3) After 3 hours of sleep we are hung over and eating at the breakfast buffet. I eventually get a good nap in only to get up just in time to pack and get ready for Saturday's adventure to Memphis. First, I have to stop and see the Rockstar- then I'm off to T's to meet the crew for the road trip (this all happens between 11 pm and 1:30 am).
(Day 4) We are headed south to Tennessee with a 24 pack of beer and Graceland on our minds. We drive through snow, rain and some strong wind. Finally we make to Memphis at about 6:30ish in the morning. With not a whole lot to do, we head to the IHOP, where E decides that its a good idea to eat a crab and shrimp omelet only to find that hours later its not. Since Graceland does not open until 10 am we drive around downtown Memphis only to realize that MLK was killed here. What a way to celebrate this weekend! After talking to the nicest and most helpful homeless man (Homeless Tony with one tooth and one mole, as he called himself), we knew where to find the Lorraine Hotel. (We also gave him some snacks and beer and he gave us jumper cables.) Soon it was time to head back to Graceland- we had a few beers and followed the burgundy awnings to purchase our tickets to see the King's home. You know what? Graceland was not as tacky as I thought it would be- in fact, it was done with taste, for the late seventies. The tour started off a little slow (there were about 75 people cramed into a pretty small entry area) but ended up being quite interesting. We also saw both of his airplanes and cars. Soon it was time to find a place to crash. And crash we did- for about 4 hours. Luckily our hotel was only a couple blocks away from Beale Street, so off we went. Moments later we were eating some of the best BBQ ever made on the entire planet! Beale Street is also the home of the Big Ass Beer. We ended up at a bar called Silky O'Sullivans, where I drank from the Bucket O'Fun. And let me tell you, it was fun- though I guess after you drink a bucket of anything you'll have a good time. (Just a side note about Memphis: the people there were the nicest, ever! I highly recommend going there.)
(Day 5) Up much to early to drive back to Louisville, but we do it anyway. I'm so exhusted at this point that I actually fell asleep in the car (which almost never happens) for like 5 minutes. We finally make it back by 2 pm or so. Ahhhh, there's nothing like coming home after a road trip. Though this trip was incredibly fun. There were no fights between us- honestly, this just may have been the best road trip I've ever been on. Later on that night I went with E and my friend that ralphed on Thursday night to see Brokeback Mountain- wonderful, I might add. I was suppose to see the Rockstar, but I was so tired that I passed out when I got home.
(Day 6) Sleep, Sleep, Sleep. Lunch with the Rockstar. Then the 3 hour and 45 minute drive back to Athens. Then some more sleep.
Drop it like its hot
While I struggled a bit during my first quarter in grad school- you know, getting use to the small class sizes and having to actually participate, not to mention the reading load- for some reason I thought I could handle taking 18 hours this quarter. Turns out that I was a little overly ambitious and I dropped a class today. The thing that sucks the most is that I did most of the reading for the class I dropped- about 400 of the 500 pages. Not to mention, I can't return the books. Oh well, I'd rather lose the money than spend too much time on this class and fail Thai, which would inevitability happen if I continued.
On a brighter note, it looks like my Southeast Asian program classmates will be meeting once a week for happy hour! YAY!!!!! And may I add- it about time.
For some fun- or just killing time
Take 1st letter in your 1st name: A - I fuckedB - I have C - I need D - I sucked E - I gave head to F - I got wet n wild w/ G - I tasted H - I played I - I swallowed down J - I blew K - I got down & dirty w/ L - I loved M - I hated N - I was desperate for O - I ordered P - I partied w/ Q - I had quickie w/ R - I got rowdy w/ S - I sold T - I turned on U - I gave birth to V - I stripped for W - I milked X - I gave hand to Y - I aroused Z - I sold Take last letter in your last name: A - a hobo B - a male stripper C - a cat D - a pencil E - a naked statue F - a firefighter G - a goat H - a MILF I - a bastard J - a male prostitute K - a clock L - an adult toy M - a Louis Vuitton bag N - a whore O - a DILF P - a pimp Q - a quarter R - a pyromaniac S - a slut T - a nerd U - a stuft animal V - a bitch W - an ugly fat kid X - a cheerleader Y - a gay guy Z - a pornstar Now take your middle initial: A - & I enjoyed it B - for a 1 night stand C - for $ D - so I could hookup w/ a jock E - & I got banged after F - for a water bra G - for a cherry flavored condom H - so I could get a nose job I - for a vacation J - for birth control K - for a shopping spree L - so people would talk about me M - & it was hot N - so I could get butt implants O - for sex P - so I could go around naked Q - all for lust R - just for the attention S - for love T - so I could be sexy U - all for a fat kid V - & i hated it W - all for pleasure X - so I could get a boob job Y - for lube Z - all for a hot guy
A weekend full of surprises
Hello, my name is Katie and I am addicted to the Facebook. It was first introduced to me through peer pressure. You know, everyone was doing it and telling me how much fun it is. I decided to wait, what's the big deal, I thought. Then I tried it. I wasn't really impressed at first, in fact, it seemed a little boring. Then somehow it sucked me in. Now there is no turning back.
The Facebook, for those not in the know, is basically Myspace but just for college students (and high school too). You have to have a college e-mail address to join- then put up a profile and find friends. It was through this that my surprising weekend began. It turns out that a fellow classmate has the exact same birthday as yours truly (March 6th). She suggested that we have a big party for the occasion and that's when this brilliant idea popped in my head- we should celebrate every 6th day of every month. Well, just in case you didn't know, Friday happened to be Jan. 6th- so we had to celebrate. What did we do? Happy Hour! Yes, that's right- she drinks and has other friends that do the same. YAY! Later, she invited me to join her to party at a friend's place where we played (and drank) a fun game. Certainly good times were had by all.
Saturday, after sleeping until 1pm (it was glorious) and taking an extremely long time to get ready (mostly because I was playing with the Facebook) my room mate and I went to Lancaster to purchase a few needed items at the Target. Then we went to the hockey game. Yeah, you heard me, this school has a hockey team- crazy, right!? The place was packed for we were playing the number one rated team and we are ranked number two. Anyway, I had gone to a hockey game before when Louisville had that semi-pro team the Ice Hawks. But I was young and our seats were far away so I really didn't realize just how action packed hockey is. Man the testosterone in that place was intense. We sat near the other team's box and as the game went on you could smell their sweat. I kept imagining what their legs look like under all that padding- meow! Not only that, but when did hockey players become so pretty? We actually ended up sitting next to the players that weren't in the game for whatever reason, and they seriously looked like male models. I thought hockey players were suppose to have missing teeth and crooked noses. The best part was when they actually broke out in a fight! Well that and we won 1 to 4.
Go figure
After a month of nothing but drinking, fun and absolutely no exercise- I'm sore. That big ass hill to my apartment is killing me again. Especially my calves. So tonight I figured I would take some advil and soak in the tub. I get in just as it is about half way filled up when the hot water runs out. So much for relaxing- I just had to wash up and get out before I started to get cold. Though, I don't know if I could ever really get cold in this place as my room mate likes to keep the temp up to 80. Sure she's from Thailand, but this American is melting. I keep my window open and shut my vents just so I can sleep under a sheet. Sometimes I'll stand out on the balcony to stop my sweating after, say, any physical activity- like folding laundry.
That's like the saddest thing ever!
I just learned from my room mate that her grandparents are making her live in the same apartment complex that we are in now, next year. I think they're paying for it, so it's their choice- which doesn't make a whole lot of sense because we live in an expensive place. For the amount of money we both spend now, we could rent a 4 bedroom house here in Athens and not share with anyone else. Where we are now is a really nice place to live and all, but I really don't to waste all that money again next year. It sucks because she is a really great room mate. On the other hand I know another person who lives in the same place and doesn't want to live there next year either- perhaps my new room mate. Though I have plenty of time to worry about that later.
On a completely different note, I can't sleep at night. I'm so use to going to bed at like 3 or 4 am. Now that I'm back in the land of the living I have to get up early- no more sleeping until 1 pm for me. Thankfully some genius thought to make that glorious drink called coffee.
new rules for 2006
okay, so I did not come up with these. my mom sent me these, but i thought it was worth posting it.
- New Rule: Stop giving me that pop-up ad for Classmates. com ! There's a reason you don't talk to people for 25 years. Because you don't particularly like them! Besides, I already know what the captain of the football team is doing these days: mowing my lawn.
- New Rule: The more complicated the Starbucks order, the bigger the asshole. If you walk into a Starbucks and order a " decaf grandehalf-soy, half-low fat, iced vanilla, double-shot, gingerbreadcappuccino , extra dry, light ice, with one Sweet-n'-Low and oneNutraSweet ," ooh , you're a huge asshole.
- New Rule: Just because your tattoo has Chinese characters in it doesn'tmake you spiritual. It's right above the crack of your ass. And it translates to "beef with broccoli." The last time you did anything spiritual, you were praying to God you weren't pregnant. You're notspiritual. You're just high.
- New Rule: When I ask how old your toddler is, I don't need to know in months. "27 Months." "He's two," will do just fine. He's not a cheese. And I didn't really care in the first place.
rehab is for quitters
December is gone. My month of craziness is over and I'm back at school. And I feel that it couldn't have come any sooner. Don't get me wrong, I'm not happy about leaving my friends and loved ones behind after spending these last few weeks with them. Rather, I feel my body needs a break. I need to detox a bit. Looking back on the last few weeks, I've realized that I probably only went a total of 5 days (out of 41) without consuming some kind of an alcoholic beverage-whether it be wine with dinner or a couple of beers with friends. So, my puking on New Years is a pretty fitting end to one of the drunkest months of my life. I would be surprised if I don't go into withdraw or something.
Anyway, on the other hand, December has been reunion month for me. I have seen more people from high school or who use to work with me, than I have in 6 years. Not only that, but I have met a tremendous amount of new people- and I like most of them! That could have something to do with the drinking though.