I've got to get out of this place!
Well, my parents house anyway. So I'm at the library where I use to work for six years. Yes, the reason is to complete my paper (the computer at the house is not so good). But mostly I'm here just to get out of the house. I tend to just sit around, watch t.v. and eat all the Thanksgiving leftovers- not a good thing.
On a unrelated note, is it odd that I crave ramen noodles? Its only been like two weeks since I've had some but its all I want, well that and Qdoba.
Oh yeah, I totally ran into a frienemy last night. To make a long story short, she and another friend just stopped talking to me one day- after like 8 years of being best friends. Since this happened like 4 years ago and I haven't given them a thought in so long that I just thought it was funny. I couldn't stop laughing as we exchanged a few words. Luckily she got a phone call and I walked away. I think she asked if I was high, I was laughing so much. I mean here was someone that I thought I hated, no I thought I loathed- but there she was and I didn't give a shit. Maybe it has something to do with being more mature.
The meeting of the Friends
This last week has also been full of meeting new people for both the Rockstar and I. He met two of my girlfriends from high school, my room mate and my mother (thankfully my crazy Grandma was already in bed). I met three of his friends from high school, and honestly, I had a really good time hanging with them.
Best of all, everyone that has met the Rockstar approves and likes him. Which is a first for me.
Lost in the World of Dial-up
I went home. My parents computer is sooooo slow that I just end getting angry everytime I want to post anything so I finally gave up. So here's a little update:
- Left Athens to see my Granny-who was in the hospital then went home to Louisville
- I have completed all my school work with the exception of one paper- which is to be turned in sometime in December
- I had a two night slumber party with some of my girlfriends
- Went back to Athens on Monday with the Rockstar so that I could take a final on Tuesday (I believe a good time was had by all)
- Brought my room mate back with me to celebrate my family's very untraditional Thanksgiving in Louisville
- Now I'm back in Athens, just for the night though and then I'm back to Louisville
Hello, I'm emotionally retarded
Have you ever wanted to say things or do things but were way to scared because you totally over-analyzed everything?! This is my life. Take the Rockstar for example. I was so excited and even a little nervous to see him this Wednesday, so when greeting him at the door a normal person would have given him a hug or kiss or at least a really excited greeting. Do I do this? No, because I'm an emotional retard. I hardly make eye contact with him. What the hell is wrong with me?
Thank a higher being for girlfriends. They told me to get over myself and just act like I do when I'm with them-around the Rockstar. And they are right. So I've decided to say F##k it. I'm going to stop thinking too much before I speak because I honestly think it just makes me sound cold or uncaring. I spend so much time thinking that I'll say the wrong thing that I don't end up saying anything at all. While I thought this would keep me from getting hurt, all it does is hurt me in the end.
Wonderful days in the Neighborhood
Yesterday I saw my Granny, who had just got home from the hospital (nothing serious). I also got to see my Dad- who, before yesterday, I hadn't seen for almost two months. I also went home to Louisville where I saw my dog, America's Next Top Model, Lost and the Rockstar! What a wonderful day I had!
Today, after a very great morning, I have studied a bit for my final and within a hour or so I'm going drinking with my friends from the library- not a bad day today either!
Kicking some Thai-language ass!
Yeah, that's right. After my disastrous first attempt at my Thai spoken language exam- I took it again and showed that Thai language whose boss! It now bows to me. Sawatdii kha this baby! Plus today was my last Thai class until January. Wooo whooo!
Have you ever read the labels of some products? I just happened to glance at my Lady Speed Stick (by Mennen) and noticed that they have warnings written on the back. Warnings? For deodorant? I mean there is the standard warning- for external use only. Okay, so now I know not to eat my deodorant. But then they tell you to consult with a doctor before using this product if you have kidney disease. Huh? Does kidney disease effect one's underarm? Just what will happen to someone with kidney disease and they use this?
Freak out!
I'm a laid-back person. It takes quite a bit for me to get upset. No one has ever accused me of over-reacting to anything. In fact, people (say an ex-boyfriend) have complained that I don't have enough of a reaction. But I figure, why bother getting all upset over the little things- if it really bugs, I'll let you know. Other than that, why waste my time? More often than not, I am the one to blame for the majority of whatever upsets me. Say, for example, I drink too much at a wedding and end up puking in someone's front yard. Classy, right? Or I can't find my USB port memory thingy and it happens to contain the only copy of the research paper I'm working on. That makes me upset-like talking to myself, grabbing my hair upset. Luckily, I didn't lose it for long, it just fell in between the pages of a book.
Alone at last!
My roommate has gone to Columbus for a couple of days for a conference and I have the place all to myself! I don't even know the last time I was alone for this long- and I'm loving every minute of it! Check out all the crazy things I've done so far:
- Laundry (like 7 loads)
- Cleaned the kitchen floor
- Decorated 3 boxes for my bathroom
- Worked on my papers
- Listened to music and sang with it- at a level which could be heard throughout the apartment
- Walked around scantily clad
- Watched football and drank beer (I always feel weird drinking around her, maybe because she doesn't drink- who knows)
- Cleaned my room
- Studied for my Thai spoken exam and final
- Watched t.v.
- Called my Mom
- Watched Beaches and cried (that movie always gets me)
- Danced in my panties (kind of like in Risky Business)
And I've only been alone for 24 hours- I wonder what crazy things I'll do next!?!
It has begun
The paper writing has commenced! Straight from my head to the paper come profound thoughts and intense statements. One day all the world will know of my research. I will be seen on the History Channel. People will request my presence at universities around the globe. I will...Wake up. I given myself 5 days to finish two papers- one about 15 pages (focusing on anthropological ideas), the other 20 (the politics of it all). The only smart thing I've done lately is make both about the same subject- Overseas Chinese in Indonesia: their influence and political struggles from Independence until now. Though that may change to cover from the Sukarno or Suharto period to the present. Plus, I'm really curious as to the differing view points between those who have assimilated and those who fight against it.
While I'm sure this sounds just oh-so exciting, it just may become my focus for the rest of my time here (meaning this is what the thesis will be about). We'll see.
You will fail, if you continue
That's what I heard today while in the middle of taking my Thai spoken exam. Apparently if someone asks you how old you are in Thai, it is wrong to simply answer with a number. The same if someone asks your name, address or the name of your sibling. (Though, this is according to my teacher, my room mate (from Thailand) claims that this is not the case). So even though I understood every question asked of me, I was going to fail because I couldn't say, "I am 24 years old," or "My older brother's name is _____". So my teacher is giving me until Friday to learn such things.
Now, I know I was not the best student when I took Chinese, but if the teacher asked me a question and I understood it
and could answer (complete sentence or not), I would at least pass the test. I just have a hard time believing that if I went to Thailand and a Thai person asked me how old I am and I said 24 (in Thai, of course) that they would not understand what I was saying. Which is what my teacher said. And after talking to my room mate about it- I'm even less inclined to believe it.
Party People
So I was out on my balcony enjoying a break from my crazy day (reading, writing papers, watching t.v. and cleaning my bathroom) when a neighbor appears on their balcony next to mine. We chat for a bit, I go back inside. A few hours later, I walk to the office to pay the rent and get my mail when I run into more kids from the complex. As it turns out, my building consists of mostly grad students. Most of which are not doing much more than reading, studying and working on papers this weekend. Aren't we the coolest? Actually, I'm hoping to get all my work completed by the 15th- so no parties for me until then.
Ways to Know that the Guy Next to You is Looking at Porn
- He turns the monitor to face the wall
- He gets out his credit card
- His right hand disappears under the table
- Everytime someone walks by he straightens up and pretends to look at something else
- He keeps checking to see if you have figured out what he's doing
- Someone walks by with a look of disgust on their face
- He looks over his should once every 10 seconds
- That right hand is moving rapidly
- You leave and go to another computer
Living in a Bubble
Here in Athens many people leave the windows down and doors unlocked in their car. Most never lock the apartment door behind them. Often, they leave their items unattended all over campus. Personally, I was a little shocked to see this. And just as I was starting to give in to this safe environment, I am pushed back into reality.
My friend, walking home from school (in broad daylight) was jumped in Louisville the other day. He passed a group of guys, seconds later- pow! He is hit in the back of the head and falls to a knee. He turns around to find a fist shatter his jaw. They run off, leaving him there.
It's all so senseless. Why? How can people act this way for no apparent reason? I mean, if it was for money- at least there would have been some kind of point to the attack.
I almost feel like I have a little less hope for humanity- afterall, I want to work for NGO or join the Peace corp. I want to help others. I want to believe that everyone deserves a second chance. I want to be optimistic. But how you defend yourself when someone attacks from behind? Should we walk around with helmet on?
At least with his jaw wired shut he will not gain weight over the holidays. Or be forced to engage in conversation with relatives you'd rather not talk to.
Sleeping Beauty...Well, sleeping something
I have just slept 14 hours almost completely uninterrupted. I came home from Louisville yesterday, about 6 pm and pretty much went straight to sleep, thinking I would wake up in a couple of hours to get unpack my car. Well, its now 9 am, the next day. So much for that plan. I guess this just means I had a great weekend- which I did.
I got dressed up as a pink lady for a Friday night party, that I never attended (because I was running behind) but I did get to see the rockstar perform. And even though he didn't dress like David Bowie, he does make a pretty hot ninja.
Saturday morning I went out to eat with my brother and mom- always a good time with those two. Then finally slept for a couple of hours before the rockstar and I went to a musical that one of his friends is in. It was really great- Cowgirls. I highly recommend seeing it. They were about the 6 most talented women I have ever seen perform. Later that night I met up with a friend from Indianapolis and some from the library and we went bar hopping then to the Connection to dance the night away.
Sunday, I slept in, a little (though when you get in a 5:30 am and sleep until 11 am, that can't really be considered sleeping in, can it?). Took the dog for a walk and read a little bit for my presentation tonight. Met up with the rockstar for a hour or so, then met up with some friends and my mom and the mall down the street. We all went out for some Korean food(yummy!!) and gossiped. Actually they totally bashed my ex-boyfriend, which was pretty funny. Again, I didn't get in until 2 or 3am (I don't even know). Then had to get up to pack everything, though somehow I didn't leave unitl 1:30. Good times!