While I wait...
It's quiz time
I'm 44% Brutally Honest
Honesty is important to you, but generally, you try not to be brutal about it.You'll sugar coat the truth when you need to... and tell a white lie when necessary. |
How Brutally Honest Are You?
Because I'm actually waiting while I color my hair-According to this my hair should be PINK
Your Hair Should Be Pink |
Hyper, insane, and a boatload of fun.You're a traveling party that everyone loves to follow. |
What a tool
I went to my boyfriend's company holiday party on Monday night- it was by far one of the best holiday parties I've ever attended. First the location itself as to be commended as it was at a night club.
Two fairly interesting events happened to me while at this party: One, the owner is the drummer in a band so naturally they performed at the party. After making the comment to my boyfriend that I thought the band was talented but I feel that the lead singer is a complete tool (Vince Neil called and wants his sound back), he left me at our table to get us a refill. No more than two seconds go by and the singer jumps down from the stage, puts his arm around me and sings the song to me. And not just a couple of lyrics, but an entire verse! I just wanted to say, "get your arm off me, you douche bag!" But I couldn't say as my boyfriend's employer is the drummer. The next interesting thing to happen is dancing with this sixty-some number year old man who works with them. This man can dance- moves like James Brown and he would drop to his knees and hop right back up (I only hope that I can move like that when I'm that age!) Anyway, so he asks me to dance and I'm having fun as he twirls me around, then he get a little closer to me and like that song says, "I felt a poke coming through". So he acknowledges it and tells me not to worry about it, we're just having fun. Then he tells me to spread my legs- I must have given him an odd look because he quickly explained. "No, I'm going to slide through". So I spread my legs, he gets on the floor and I try to pull him through. Only the top of his head basically hits my crotch and I fall down. eeek! Good times!
The expert
That's right, I work at a video store. Therefore I am now certified to critique films. So here is what I've seen lately:
The Constant Gardener- really great, though pretty slow in the beginning. I'm always for movies with a message.
Little Miss Sunshine- seriously worth owning when it comes out this future Tuesday to DVD. Incredibility funny and touching.
Casino Royale- I love James Bond films. Every year during the Thanksgiving weekend I watch the marathon of Bond movies and started when I was like 8. This movie is pretty good, dare I say even up there as one of my top 10 Bond films. The opening scene is awesome. The only problems I have is one, he drove a Ford and two, there wasn't any of those famous Bond gadgets. I mean sure some of the gadgets have pretty hokey and unbelievable, but that's what makes Bond films fun- that sometime cheesy factor. Daniel Craig is amazingly hot and quite worthy of having a women exclaim, "Oh, James!" I also had a little problem with the way this Bond treated the Bond chick.
Match Point- It was good, but I didn't care about any of the characters. The plot was sort of interesting, but when you don't care about them it doesn't matter. I don't know if it was a lack of chemistry between the actors or what but something just didn't do it for me.
Pride and Prejudice- As a fan of Jane Austin and the other P and P movie with Colin Firth I have to say that I liked this version. It was pretty. And whoever played Mr. Darcey was great (I don't feel like looking it up at this moment).
Borat- It was funny but honestly when it comes to gross-out, reality-like, crazy movies, I thought the Jackass movie that came this year was funnier and is better at offending people.
Just wondering
Why do creepy guys call a chick's place of employment and try to flirt with them on the phone? Do they honestly think that we want to hook up with them?
Why does Comedy Central have to play a Girls Gone Wild commercial at EVERY commercial break late at night? Seriously, there has to be someone else willing to advertise during those time slots. And why do those commercial have to be SO long?
Why do parents treat you like your 17 when you come back home for more than a week? I got sent to my room for not "doing my chores" the other day. But if I had started cleaning anything with a parent in the house they would complain that I'm not doing it correctly and probably take over. On the other hand if I clean when no one else is there, its just fine. I don't mind helping out while I'm staying with them, they have really helped me out lately, but I really think my Mom makes more of a mess while I'm at home on purpose- just so she can make me clean more.