Round 2
Ahhh, the fight. Without going into too many details (because there are many) let me just pose this:
Have you ever had any experience with a female (or a friend of any gender) that can get so wrapped up with the person they are dating (or in this case, he has made it very clear that they will only be "friends") that they are willing to ruin every other relationship in their life? This has really been her pattern since high school and we've encouraged her to seek professional help- as it seems pretty clear that there is more to it than just being in love. Yet, this time I am really starting to get tired of excusing her for her behavior and treating her friends with respect only when she is single (which only happens for a month here and there) or when she wants something. I really hate to admit to that, mostly because I still want her to find some self-worth and to see that she has so much more to offer but after ten years of her only being a friend when its convenient for her is wearing thin.
Reasons why I'm 25 going on 15
- I got a couple of hickies this weekend
- I got in a fight with a friend
- That friend's sister has now began to berate me on the comments of Myspace
- Said friend also deleted me as a friend on Myspace, after I took her off my top 8- as if Myspace actually has some deeper social meaning
- I made-out with a cute boy in a car
But its Michael Bolton?
"How can we be lovers if we can't be friends?" This Michael Bolton song is all the rage in bars and at parties in Athens! What's up with that? I know a lot of other songs from about 10 years are coming back- but Bolton wasn't even cool then with college kids, why would it be now?
This would make my mother proud
Last weekend was too much fun and quite random, as nothing went as planned. Not to mention, like most weekends here in Athens, it started on Thursday night. I was supposed to go a movie on Thursday night with some of my housemates, but we had some time to kill so when a friend stopped by and said he was going to Tony's (a bar) one housemate and I went along. The plan was to have just one drink, but Tony's has a minimum of $10 (without tip) if you pay with a credit/debit card... so you thinking great buy a drink for your friend and it will be taken care of...not when beer cost $1 and well drinks are $2. Even if you're paying for someone else it comes down to about 4 beers each (due to tax). Anywho- there was no going to a movie that night.
Friday was a little rough since I have a 9am class- but more so because of the lack of sleep rather than the drinking. For my first act as President I tried to get the first year and 2nd year students together for Happy hour. I decided to get here just a bit early, to be safe, and ended waiting for a 1/2 hour before anyone showed- but it went quite well and everyone is interested in doing it again. Then a couple hours later I went out with some of our neighbors and a housemate- well the neighbors were all dressed up. Something that is VERY rare in Athens. Ladies do not normally do this when going out on a Friday night. Their idea of looking nice in Athens is a t-shirt and jean skirt. So my housemate and I go back home so that we can dress up too (aka. wear what I would normally wear on a Friday night back home). My heels were way cute- but dangerous. Once my heel got stuck in the brick road and I had to actually take the shoe off and put quite violently to get out. Then on my walk home my shoe slipped on the bricks and fell to one knee- in the middle of the road! After that a couple of us went to someone's house were I had to hear some arrogant PITT fan tell me how over rated Louisville is- to which I rightly predicted that we would beat Miami and that Michigan State would beat his team.
Saturday was lovely. Louisville beat Miami!!!!... I need to find someone new to watch sports with here- my last friend graduated. My housemates and I were going to go to a house party, but ended up staying staying at home beause people came to our house. I was sitting on the front stoop, talking to random people, met some guy who tried to kiss me after like 5 minutes- to which I even said to him, "Who kisses someone that quickly?" Sad thing is, that I hung out with him for a couple of hours and don't remember his name. He didn't live here anyway....I think.
Presidential address
Unlike the last election I was in (the one where I was not present for the voting nor put into office)- I am now the President (Chair) of the Southeast Asian Student Association. It is not all that glamorous though. Basically I got the position by default as I am just about the only 2nd year student that is involved in the organization. But you better believe I'm going to let the power go to my head and boss everyone round!
Is this house tilted?
Every couple of days the rugs on the floor of my room move to the left. What's up with that?
Why my new housemates are so much than the last one!
Don't get me wrong, my last room mate was very polite, considerate and really a great person, but the people I live with now are super duper!
- We clap- at a t.v. show, someone says something clever, whatever
- They watch all the shows I like to watch
- We sing show songs together
- They like to party
- They like to drink
- They are not afraid to say whats on their mind
- No one takes anything to personally
- We laugh, a lot
- Their friends are very cool
- There are always new people around
- The location of the house is awesome- half a block from the bars and campus
- They make good food for all to eat
- Everyone cleans up after themselves
School's back in sucker!
Yes, today was the first day of class for my second year as a graduate student- oh boy! My weekend was filled with pre-school parties and my best friend came to visit from Indianapolis. Friday I partied with English grad students (grad parties are not quite as wild as the undergrad, to say the least- I think there was even a baby at this one). The next night was an early 90's/late 80's party. Everyone was suppose to dress up, only my friend and I were the only ones to do so. I had on some nice high waisted jeans (pinched cuffed, of course) and my friend looked a lot like Blossom. It was slightly embarassing to go to a bar before the party, but it was more fun than not. The next night, Sunday, was filled with more parties, bars and friends.
As for an update on the pervy professor from the Vietnam trip- well, no one from our group has been able to get into contact with my room mate (which isn't all to odd because she was starting her clinicals in nursing school this year, so I'm sure she's really busy). Our plan was to NOT turn in our assigned journal in protest to his harassment, but that has begun to fall through. The others are breaking down and are going to turn one in. I was also suppose to go visit most of them in Sandusky, Ohio, but then again I would be staying with my room mate, who no one has heard from yet.
This year I'm working for my school (aka School of International Affairs) at the front desk for my scholarship. I think I'll like it better than working for a professor like I did last year, simply due to the fact that I have a set schedule. No longer will I get some random e-mail or phone call telling me to pick up a book at the library or to meet someone, somewhere for something. Not that working for the professor was interesting and all- I just don't think being "on call" is for me.