And in the end...
I can't believe I forgot to mention this, but the Rockstar and I are no more- for a couple of weeks now. But all is well, it turns out that I just can't make it to Louisville as much as I wanted and, well, he can't make it up here- so this makes a little difficult to have any kind of relationship. Not to mention, it really wasn't going anywhere emotionally which really made the drive to Louisville and back harder and longer (you know what I mean) everytime because I knew I was coming home a lot of homework. So when I found out the professor I work for wants me to do even more research- there was just no way I would be able to go to Louisville any time soon and hence it ending. No bad feelings on either side, so its all good.
On a completely other note- I will not get to go to Seattle for spring break :(. Its all because of the Viet Nam trip. Turns out I have to buy the domestic leg of the flight on my own and the only way for me to afford this right now is to exchange the flight from Seattle to L.A. But I've promised my friend that I will visit her sometime in 2006- most likely in the fall because I will no longer be living in this over-priced apartment, meaning I'll have more spending money to see her! So boo and yay at the same time.
Come on Down!!! Your the Next Contestant!!
Guess who has been accepted to the program in Viet Nam!! Me, baby, me!!! Check out the program at this
site- if you want to know more. Not only are we going there, but we will also spend a little time in Kuala Lumpur and at not extra cost with the Malaysia Airlines I can tack on Bangkok and visit my room mate for a couple of days! Hip hip whooray!
Nice doesn't mean friendly
Today we were talking about culture shock in my graduate hour for my anthropology class. Of course, when my professor asked us to describe ones experience with this, he was asking the two other grad students because they are not from the United States. But I also had an example, so I shared- nice does not mean friendly. This is one thing I have come to learn living in Ohio after growing up in Kentucky. The people here are nice- really nice. But that doesn't mean they will say "hi" to you, even if you live in the same apartment building*. This seems odd to me. I mean we are neighbors and yet when I pass them on the stair case and say hello, I just get a look. If I'm lucky, I'll get a nod. Most of the time I just feel like they just think I'm crazy or something.
*It does mean they will rat on you for having a dog in your apartment though- those fuckers can't say hi, but my mom brings the dog when she comes for a visit and it barks in the middle of a Saturday afternoon and they go and tattle! Do I complain when my neighbor smokes and it fills my apartment with smoke because I sleep with the window open? Do I tattle at all the noise that the Amazon/furniture moving/wrestling people who live above me make? Did I make a big deal when some of the kids below me partied at the end of the fall quarter on Wednesday night and I had a final early Thursday morning? The answer to all these is NO!! Why? Because we're in college- get over it! If it only annoys you for an hour whats the point of making a complaint and getting someone in trouble for breaking their lease? I'm starting to think these people aren't that nice afterall. The worst part is that who ever made the complaint said that we left our dog on my "balcony in a cage and she cried for hours" and on the coldest day of the year!! What shit! My dogs kennel was on the balcony and that was all- this dog gets treated better than most humans! I so can't wait to move out of this place!
I'm a model, if you know what I mean

Over the weekend was Thai night- food, culture and fashion- with a crowd of around 250. I was a model, surprisingly they had actual Thai clothes that would fit this western girl's body. It was fun, all my years of watching America's Next Top Model paid off- I was fierce. The most surprising part was the people who took pictures of us walking down the runway (I did not see that coming). Good times were had by all in the end.
Put it in the freezer
My room mate puts everything in the freezer. For example there is McDonald's french fries in the actually Micky D's fry holder in there. That can't taste good later- can it?
Anyway, I'm finally feeling 100% better. So in order to stay that way I am trying to eat healthy foods, take vitamins and get plenty of rest. Afterall, my birthday is coming up and I do not want to be sick for that- a girl only turns 25 once in her life!
Death Becomes Her
I wish I could say that I have been so busy that I just haven' t had time to post anything, but it would only be half true. I've been busy being sick. After the Rockstar left last Sunday (that's right, he actually came to visit me) I decided to take a nap, only to wake up with a fever that wouldn't not leave me until Thursday morning. Unfortunately it the fever was just high enough that my body would ache and I could not get warm and everytime I took some Advil so that it would break, I would sweat almost non-stop for a hour. I tried to hold off on going to the doctor- doing everything anyone would tell me that might make me feel better, but by Wednesday (and after giving a presentation with a 101 degree fever) I broke down and went to the student health clinic. After waiting over an hour, I get this woman hippie doctor with a hairy upper lip, who really does not want to give me an antibiotic- which I understand all about how it may not make me feel better and it could create some super virus which will eventually kill me and the rest of the world. But dear God woman, give me something. By this time I had not had anything to eat in 24 hours because my throat hurt to much to even swallow, I could barely speak nor had I really slept for about 3 days. So she finally gave me some pills and yay! I feel better.
Just how many sounds can come out of your body?
I just came out the class that I'm a T.A. for. Most of the time no one sits next to me, usually because I have my stuff in the seat next to me, but today someone did. This girl made more noise with her body than I thought it was possible in 45 minutes. Sneezing, coughing, clearing her throat, rumbles in the tummy, burping, popping of fingers, smacking her lips, sucking the muffin of her fingers, slurping her orange juice and everytime she burped she would totally moan after. Usually most of things alone don't really bother me (we all make these noises) but it was like all at once and at least I try not to do it in public.
Token White Chick
I am involved with my school's Thai Smile Club (basically it's a Thai student organization). Anyway, I usually go to all the meetings and keep myself quite active with whatever they are doing- mostly its so that my Thai teacher will give me a better grade, but I have also come to know many of the students. The thing is, is that I'm usually the only white chick there- which is not a problem for me, I feel right at home with them. But I've began to notice how they like to "show" me off to their other friends- much like I have done with my room mate when she came home with me for Thanksgiving. It's just different having people interested in what I have to say or who I am, simply because I'm white. Though, it is certainly a learning experience, because I hang around them simply because they're from Southeast Asia- go figure.