Thursday, October 27, 2005

International House of Pancakes

Saawatdii kha (that's Hello in Thai). I just got home from the Southeast Asian Poetry Night. It was such great fun. My Thai class performed a poem first. I got to wear some tradition clothing (but since I don't have a camera, I can't show you) and said a whopping 3 lines and described it in English. Surprisingly, we were not the best- team Cambodia sang a beautiful song and then one which we could all sing along with, "Ya Ya Rapiya". The most creative performance would have to go to the Indonesian husband and wife team (think Sonny and Cher only from SEA) who sang "Bagaimana Jika" (What If) by Taufig Ismail (I highly recommend looking up the lyrics), though, even they were out done by the vocal stylings of my Japanese friend- I had no idea he was such a popstar.
Not to mention the refreshments were quite a hit! But that's just because I was in charge of that portion. Being the only one to make homemade desserts seemed really impress everyone. Little do they know of my secret plot to control their minds through my brownies! haa, haaaa, aaaa!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Frozen Thigh, Anyone?

My thighs are frozen right now. Its snowing here- that really heavy thick wet snow- and I walked to school in it. Damn my refusing to pay for the bus (though others get it for free at their apartment complex). And double damn my not having a warmer coat or more than one sweater here (I was planning to get all that this weekend). At least I'm not that kid who wore flip flops today.

Monday, October 24, 2005

The Traveler has been Chosen

It looks like I'm going to Vietnam this summer- so far anyway. Mostly because its cheaper and my room mate with be in Thailand during that time so hopefully I can meet up with her (before or after the trip) and she can show me around her home country. This shouldn't add much to the cost since I'll have a place to stay in Thailand. Yay!! So not only will I see Kuala Lumpur, Hanoi, Hue, and Ho Chi Minh City but Bangkok- and get a chance to use all the Thai I have been learning. Sounds like a win-win situation to me.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Where am I?

At some point in the last month or two it appears that I have been placed in some parallel universe. How do I know this? Because things aren't normal. Boys are paying attention to me. And boys never paid this much attention to me before. Maybe its because I'm more blonde, or perhaps its the buns of steel developing from my daily walk up the mammoth hill to my apartment. It could even be the fact that I have some super duper self-esteem going. I don't know. For the first time in my life I had three separate boys call me in one day- a guy I met at a bar last weekend (when beer was had), the rockstar and my ex-boyfriend. Random guys (and not just the creepy ones, but actual good looking ones) offer to buy me drinks or pretend to be interested in what I have to say. I get hit on when alcohol isn't even present. Don't get me wrong- I always thought I looked good, only in this world so does other people. All the while I keep hearing the theme to the twilight zone- doo do doo do...

Friday, October 21, 2005

Too Quiet

This morning I walked to the library sometime around 7am. It was dark and both the town and campus was empty- like creepy Children of the Corn empty. Once I reached the library (the one floor that's open 24 hours) I was surprised to find one of my classmate's- who apparently was there working on a paper until about 4am, so he just spent the night there. Now that's an over achiever! Can you imagine- actually, if I don't get my act together that could be me in a couple of weeks when both my 25 and 15 page papers (not to mention exams) are due with in one day of each other. Yikes!

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Rainy Day- Without an Umbrella

Okay, so the quaint brick roads and sidewalks of Athens are slick in the rain. Then add all those beautiful golden leaves on top- its a recipe for slipping and falling. Not to mention, I forgot my umbrella today, which means I'm walking faster than usual. I have slipped (and fell) on a normal concrete sidewalk in the rain, so needless to say, I predict falling at some point during the day. It will not be pretty.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

What it really means to be a T.A.- at least up to this point.

Since I became a T.A. (teaching assistant) late in the quarter, it doesn't look I'll hold any kind of study sessions (though I may) or at least have my own office until the winter quarter begins. (This will also give me time to actually read what the students have to read so that I can actually help them with this class.) Anyway, so what am I doing now? I'm my professor's bitch. I get everything short of coffee for him. Somehow he has this radar for finding me in various places on campus- and always when he's on his way to the library- so then I get to find the books and things. (I'd much rather do actual research.) On the up side, I'm much more busy which makes me more organized, which means I'm not procrastinating as much.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Where to go? I don't know.

As of now, I'm looking into two different programs for travel/school/internship for this summer. The first is an internship in Sydney, Australia for six weeks where I would work for an NGO or some other humanitarian organization (which is what I'm hoping to do after I graduate). But this option costs more than my other choice, which is Vietnam. This program is for roughly 3 weeks, but also includes time in Kuala Lumpur, as well as, most of Vietnam of course. Both have their benefits (Sydney- career wise, Vietnam-actually in Southeast Asia), so I'm not quite sure which one to choose quite yet.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Beer was had!!

The International Dinner was a lot of fun. It was all homemade food from around the world. Yummy! But its what happened after that was even more fun. I went out with a bunch of people from all over the world- Japan, Malaysia, Africa, China, South America, Korea and here (though they have all traveled to some other place in the world before). Where does a diverse group such as this go, you ask? Casa. A Mexican resturant that has salsa dancing on the weekends. One of the funniest things I ever saw was the Japanese guys trying to learn to salsa. Honestly you had to be there to understand. I met so many people. Plus, I got to salsa dance (which I haven't done in years) not to mention the best part- Beer was had!! Yay!!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

This is what I wanted, right?

I have been switched. I now work for my anthropology professor in order to receive my large stipen of $200 a month. This will give me the opportunity to refresh my cultural anthro terms as well as an chance to teach a little. It looks like they'll give me an office so that I can hold study sessions for the undergraduates. My professor even wants me to critique his teaching so that he can improve his class. While this means I will have more work and another class to attend, it is one of those things that look good on a resume. Not to mention a good learning experience. It will also give me a chance to meet some more undergrads who throw those crazy parties that Athens is known for.

Speaking of parties- I have plans for Friday night. Yay for me! I'm going to the International Dinner with a Japanese guy (and his friends) from my program. Plus, there looks to be about a 95% chance that there will be beer consumed after dinner. Double yay!

Monday, October 10, 2005

A Visit from my Mother

I am exhusted. Did I party all weekend? Did I stay up 24/7 so that I wouldn't miss a thing? Hardly. My Mom has come into town for a visit. Don't get me wrong, we get along really well, but I've had to sleep pressed against the wall in my double bed unable to move as my limbs fall asleep and my entire body becomes numb. Have I ever mentioned that I don't sleep well with others? I never have. Even at slumber parties as a kid, I was the odd girl out, because I had no desire to cram myself on the bed with 5 other giggling girls. It takes time for me to get use sleeping with anyone else.

Other than that we've been having a great time. Sunday we traveled to Marietta, Ohio. Walked around, almost ate lunch on a steam boat- but ended up at a micro-brewery. Today, she bought me a shit-ton of stuff and after my Thai class we went out to eat with my room mate. I also got in a fews hours of research in- which I need to do more of so that she can take me out for breakfast tomorrow morning. I think I've eaten more in the last couple of days than I have in the last month. I'll miss her when she leave, but it'll be nice to have my bed back.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

I'm a Winner!

While I always knew this, someone else has recongized my superior taste in music. I would like to thank Daniel for choosing my song, Na Na Na Na Naa by the Kasier Chiefs, as the winner of his prestigious Friday Song of the Day Award.

Nanu, Nanu- or Nano

I have REALLY exciting news. I got an ipod nano! While this means I will probably not be able to eat for the next month- its quite worth it. And let me tell you, that thing is tiny. I know, I know, there are all those commerials about just how small it is, but it doesn't compare to when you actually hold it.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Thursday was.... grrrrrreat!

I was productive. I raised thought provoking questions in class. I had a delicious turkey ruben and a couple of beers at Skippers. I read 100 of the 200 pages I need to read for my poltical science class by Tuesday. I took a nap (one of my favorite activities of all time). I gossiped with my room mate. All in all it was a great day- not to mention it will (hopefully) be the last 80 degree day for the rest of the year! Fall is here!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

What just happened?

Last night I had to present a chapter for my political science class. I have an extreme dislike for speaking in front of people, especially when I'm forced to talk about something I'm not passionate about. So, as I was getting ready for class I noticed a little bottle of cranberry juice in the fridge. Mmmmm, I thought to myself, I could add a little vodka to that and then maybe speaking in front of people wouldn't be so bad. As it turns out it helped- a little. I still did a horrible job. There was one of those moments where I tried to look away from my notes and completely lost my train of though and the room grew overwhelmingly silent as everyone looked at me. My face was probably close to being purple it was so red. I think I even mumbled to myself. I really don't remember how the rest went, I probably blacked out from all the blood that had rushed to my head. But because of Mr. Vodka, I didn't sweat or have an anxiety attack before hand.

* I just wanted to add that I totally made a smart ass comment in class before my presentation that made everyone laugh- ahhh, the power of liquid courage.