Sunday, July 30, 2006

I'm Melting

Well I actually wrote this a day or so ago, but the small town we were in didn't have the most reliable internet- so I have to rewrite it... (at least what I can remember, anyway).

We saw Khe Sanh today. A man sold dog tags. The color of the earth could only be only be described as a shade of blood, literally. I've been to historic battle fields before, but for the first time in my life I actually knew of someone who fought there. One of the professors of my China program was in a medical position. He shared his stories with us students then, but only now do his "stories" have a real meaning. I am filled with a lot of sadness and confusion. Why? The United States dropped more than 15 million tons of explosives on Vietnam- the equivalent of the power of 400 Hiroshima-sized atomic bombs- over the entire country in an attempt to prevent a Communist victory (Duiker). On the other hand the Vietnamese people are eager for peace and a normal relationship with the U.S. This is not because they have short memories or do not harbor a certain amount of anger or bitterness toward the U.S. government. Rather it is rooted in the historic Vietnamese tradition of making peace with enemies (Ngo). And then there is just knowing someone who was there because it's just what he was suppose to do. I'm confused because I want to side on the American's but also on that of Vietnam. One of the Vietnamese directors had to hide for NINE years while growing up here due to the war. Could you imagine being in hiding for almost ALL of your childhood? Could you imagine giving up your your life between the ages of 18-25 for a war that couldn't be won?


At 8:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't try so hard thinking about
the war. it was a horrible thing.
think about knowing half the boys
in your senior class fighting there
and dying or hurt or injured or
their minds gone etc. they had no
choice in the matter. their country
chose this route and they followed.
most of the men i know have had
some military experience. i gave
them my support and love and prayer. the viet cong were doing
the same thing for their country.
they had no choice either. the
french tried to save them from the
communists and it didn't work and
we tried and it didn't work. just
soak up all the info and it will
make you a wiser person. "they"
say history does repeat itself,
and you're looking at it first
hand. hopefully, you'll be able to
apply your knowledge to other areas
in your life. be cool, man. inky
says hi and she's hungry. been
barking at the front door while
i've been writing this essay! ha.


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